Sunday, November 1, 2009


By: Abdullah R. Sirad

How can you expect a manager to impact effectiveness in the organization if he himself doesn’t know when, where and how to start solving a problem?

It’s very ironic. I had observed some managers who are too proud of themselves as manager and yet they only know about their position but never their functions. When they caught in a problem, they call people in odd names, shout at them and pass blame to someone else. When their subordinates tried to defend their selves, they are told to keep their mouth shut or otherwise they will be kicked out in the organization. Some managers are too selfish that they use their power to reject favor asked by their subordinates. They failed to realize that they were designated to their position because they are expected to be independently responsible for managing people in the organization in a harmonious ways. They are supposed to First Understand subordinates, then to be understood.

I learned from my management class that the best problem-solving technique is to prevent the problem from occurring in the first place. And this is possible by not getting upset in whatever situation you would have. But this is opposite to what is commonly observed in some organization. Problems relating to personnel matters are inevitable. For instance, subordinate asks for equipment because it is required in his job or he applied for a service request because he is entitled to such as per contract statement. On the other hand, the manager perceived that this request could not be granted at this time because the organization is keeping a lid on cost. However, the responsible manager failed to address the situation because he blazed up in anger instead of explaining the reasons of not granting the request at date. He starts telling that he is the manager and thus he can dishonor any request at his will. He seems to let people understand that he is the manager who have all the powers to cancel or reject favors. See, you would perhaps think that these managers are imposing the other-way-type of management. “Management by shouting” is the best way to call it. The louder you shout the power you are. It’s a stupid kind of relationship but this really happened in real situation. In fact, it becomes an expression of all people in the organization. Even janitors and clerks absorbed from site acted like a big boss for they can shout louder as managers did. Managers, who are supposed to maintain proper decorum, are involving their selves in the problem than taking a part in providing solution to the problem. They become emotionally charged and become rude the whole day.

What compelled them to behave like that? When I was a student, my management professor taught us about temperament and its importance. I learned from him that terrorism in a certain organization does not imply smartness but dullness of one’s responsibility. Shouting is an option for those managers who do not know their functions.

I know it’s normal to flare up in a difficult situation especially when it deals decision between the organization and employees interest. But arguing with employees just because you want to let them know that you have all the powers and not listening to what they truly need is just like putting one self or the organization itself in danger. Manager failed to realize that the organization exist because of its employees. If employees continuously feel rejection from their manager, they will become disinterested in performing their respective job. This will curtail achievement or will result into rapid labor relinquishment, losing qualified employees.

Being a manager is just like being a father in a certain family. Successful fathers understand their children in all aspect of their life. They establish harmonious relationship with their children, especially among boys, by being friend with them. Successful fathers don’t spank or shout at their children whenever they make mistakes or every time they ask for something. They don’t scold at them in front of other people because they value their children’s sensitivities. In other word, fathers understand their children’s physiological and behavioral needs. Likewise, fathers always make sure that their children understand their rules. Whenever their rule is violated, they give punishment but in such a way that it doesn’t causes embarrassment. That is by doing it privately and by explaining afterward why such castigation had been imposed. Much with these, encouragement as to career development and values inclination is a constant motivation among fathers to their children. This is what I learned in my management class as paternalistic management. Although there are other types of management style, paternalistic management is one of the best management styles especially when you are managing or supervising people of different ethnicities.
Managers should not feel being effective when they can shout louder to people below at their level. They must remember that every time they flared during a malady situation, it insinuate that there’s something wrong in their management. Employees will never bring problem in the organization if they were understood of their sensations and sentiments. They will never complain if they were used to understand with the organization’s rules and regulations. Likewise, if a manager knows his functions and responsibilities, he will not tend to shout or become rude the whole day. Indeed, employees’ ineffectiveness reflects managers’ ineffectiveness as well in carrying out his responsibilities. They must realize that the way they deal with problem is a reflection of their real personality.


chaesa said...

i believe that your professors have taught you well..
however i know it does not eliminate such situations in the organization that you referring to...
relax and have a cup of coffee...
add a dash of cinnamon and you'll feel alright..
be safe always and dont forget to maintain your cool always...
see yah when i see yah...

xena said...

cheaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...i love cinnamon but i know someone loves it more!!!

oh yeah, but yes, prince, we can never really do away with unmanageable managers...i just don't know what power there is that brings some of these people to act such and treat their subordinates poorly....tsk tsk tsk...prince, coffee nalang with SUGAR please...

Anonymous said...

You got it right xena. Dealing with people like them shouldn't be taken seriously...

Sipping a cup of coffee savored with special sugar keeps trouble away. Like to hang places with something red in it...ahhh missssssssss it to the max! lol

xena said...

LOL indeed...we have missed you a lot!