It was a humdrum noontime break, so drowsy but fragmentary works still won’t allow time for napping. Breaking off drowsiness is a chit chat, a sort of discussing about life and its jesting part. Outburst of laughter echoed in the room every time a funny experience is shared. Out of the blue that the group touched on the varied reasons of leaving love ones in the country and chose to work abroad. Some look so dramatically pathetic while narrating all those reasons behind. Gentle voice at the back broke the discussion while mentioning one of the noblest statements in a Hadith (Sayings from the prophet of Islam PBUH) which goes “
(It is narrated on the authority of Amirul Mu'minin, Abu Hafs 'Umar bin al-Khattab, radiyallahu 'anhu, who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam, say:
“Actions are (judged) by motives (niyyah), so each man will have what he intended. Thus, he whose migration (hijrah) was to Allah and His Messenger, his migration is to Allah and His Messenger; but he whose migration was for some worldly thing he might gain, or for a wife he might marry, his migration is to that for which he migrated.”)
[Al-Bukhari & Muslim]
It freeze up the flippant experiential sharing and everyone lend an ear when this colleague, Saidali Lomondot (an Ulama who had completed his Islamic Study at Libya), delve further on this Hadith. He quoted that man becomes what he intend. If a man intention is to get closer with his Creator then he would meet Him but when a man thinks of the worldly things, he would have them. He calls it Niyyah which our actions are being judged for. We may not plan to work as far as KSA but God heard our intention to have work that would sufficiently cope up our financial need, he said.
I was then moved by what he had said and realized that sincere intention is a very powerful tool of pursuing what we want in life for God sees what’s in on the bottom of our heart. If we want to succeed in all endeavors that we are taking, we have to inculcate to our heart that these are possible through our perseverance and at God’s will. However, though men were given freewill to choose what he wants to happen in their life, intentions are supposed to be entirely honorable. We must be able to distinguish who or what the action is done for. Like to whom are we doing this particular action? Is this for the benefits of everyone or just for your self interest? What this action is all about? Is this for good or bad?. In other word, we need to check our intention of anything that we are going to take, do or get involve with.
Many people aim positively before an act is done. That if their intention is granted they would share it to those who need it. However, people tend to forget their good intentions once they have already what they wished for. They become selfish and rude that they don’t even recognize those people who helped them in attaining such success. It is therefore important to remember that our intention changes constantly thus it must be consistently renewed as well.
Our intention should serve as our long-range objective in life to motivate and stimulate our deep affection toward our struggling existence. Setting our day to day intention can brighten our spirit, cheer up those we love, and make the days that come smoother, happier, and more successful because we are being sacredly guided. So let’s think positively everyday for we shall become what we think about. InshaALLAH!
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